Masashi Kishimoto [Naruto]
In his latter Elementary school days, Akira Toriyama's most famous creation, Dragon Ball became an anime and for Kishimoto this spawned a whole new interest in Manga and Shonen Jump. Near the end of Elementary school, Masashi Kishimoto was strictly a Dragon Ball fan, he recalls how he was so obsessed with Akira Toriyama, "He was like a god to me, I was constantly drawing characters that appear in Dragon Ball." After seeing the works of the great Toriyama, Kishimoto hoped to one day become a great mangaka much like Toriyama. Thus, he began creating a manga called Hiatari-Kun, a story about a shadow ninja boy, and maybe his first and rough concept of Naruto. He named Akira Toriyama and his Dragon Ball Z as among his major influences. During his years in Junior High, Kishimoto began to focus a lot of baseball, which a very popular sport in modern day Japan. He had even tried attempting to make a baseball manga.
It was during his year in Junior High that an incident occurred that influenced him to continue in drawings. One day, when walking home form school, Kishimoto came across a drawing of Katsuhiro Ootomo's "Akira". This sparked Kishimoto's urge to draw again. After he learned of "Akira", Masashi Kishimoto's drawings changed in a big way. He spent hours studying and trying to understand the style of Ootomo, but couldn't. He was soon able to finish his first manga which was only about 31 pages long. After getting feedbacks from his brother and father, Kishimoto didn't feel that his drawings were good enough. After graduating high school ranked 38th out of 39 students, Kishimoto felt he wasn't good at anything. But he never gave up on becoming a great mangaka and kept on drawing. Masashi Kishimoto would eventually go on to create one of the greatest manga read by many around the world, Naruto.
Through dedication and self believing, Masashi Kishimoto with his Naruto has finally reach his dream. Naruto is one of the most famous manga all around the world nowadays. And Naruto even manage to rival his long time favorite manga, Dragon Ball Z.